S.D. Allen Ministries really played a huge role in me understanding Tuscaloosa when I came to be Children’s Minister in Tuscaloosa almost three years ago. I have been on several deliveries, have hung out with the summer missionaries that come each year, and I have met with some of the families impacted through their service. My eyes get to see the needs that my hands can do to make a difference for those less fortunate in our community. During one conversation, I asked Jeff (director) what would make the biggest impact for him if our ministry did something for them during Vacation Bible School. After much thought, we realized that there were many kids in our community that slept on the floor or were left to sleep in the same bed as their parents because they could not afford a bed of their own. Jeff had a waiting list of 14 kids under the age of 18 that needed a bed to sleep on.
Here we were left with a predicament - a bed costs around $150 per twin bed with rails. $1,500 would only provide 10 of the 14 needed, but we had only raised just under $1,100 the year before. I knew the kids could do it, and I know that God has the power to provide. I set the goal for us to raise $1,500 and began with an e-mail to parents on the Friday before we started on Monday with the phrase #getoffthefloor - challenging our kids to sleep on the floor in order to raise awareness for the ones who do have to sleep on the floor. Monday morning, we left with $6 in the offering. I was let down, but not ashamed because it was only day one. On day two, we had a little over $300 dollars. I could tell the kids were seeing that they could make a difference. On Wednesday, we had passed our maximum from the year before with a little over $1,100. Seeing this number made my heart happy to see what God had provided to get 7 kids off the floor, half of what the number needed.
God wasn’t finished yet. Wednesday afternoon, a summer intern and I challenged the kids that if they could double the $1,100, we would shave our heads down the middle and that we would make ice cream sundaes on our heads. Waking up Thursday morning, there wasn’t a chance in the world that I thought we would reach the goal, but on that day, God had a much bigger plan. The girls alone raised over the $1,500 mark, and the boys had raised a little over $900. We finished out the week with $2700 going to get 18 people off the floor.
Now for the part that brings the ultimate awe in my life for this moment. There was a call on Tuesday for another local organization that was in need of a twin size bed for a pregnant woman that was sleeping on the floor. As soon as Jeff called, I told him to please come take one of the ones we were using to show as a building block of what they had done. That bed went to help the next generation of kids - even kids who will never know the impact of VBS 2016 at Calvary Tuscaloosa and the difference it made for them and their future. God is ever moving and I am ever thankful to be a part in His work. It is not over. Thank you, Jeff and to all who donate to this great organization.
Jonathan Freeman
Children's Minister
Calvary Baptist Church